Empowering Women Over 40 to Run Stronger and Longer.

An education, coaching, and community platform for female masters runners entering their prime.


As A Female Runner Over Forty, Do Any Of These Resonate With You?

One of the biggest problems faced by female runners over forty is dealing with the physiological changes that occur with time. These changes can include reduced bone density, decreased muscle mass, and slower recovery times. Hormonal fluctuations, particularly around menopause, can also affect energy levels and overall performance.

Additionally, there is a higher risk of injuries such as stress fractures, tendonitis, and joint issues due to the natural decrease in bone density and elasticity. Ensuring proper nutrition, strength training, and a tailored running plan can help mitigate these challenges.

We want to be RUNNING, not wasting time in the health care system and dealing with: 

  1. Dismissal of Symptoms: Some healthcare providers might dismiss masters athletes and certain symptoms as just "part of aging" or "pick a different activity" rather than exploring the underlying causes that could be related to musculoskeletal/movement issues in conjunction with hormonal changes.

  2. Limited Focus on Preventative Care: There can be a lack of emphasis on preventative care, such as bone density tests, hormone level checks, and tailored exercise recommendations, which are crucial for active women over forty. 

  3. Longer Wait Times to See Specialists: Finding an appropriate specialist like a sports medicine doctor, PT/running specialist or endocrinologist can often come with long wait times, delaying necessary care and treatment.

  4. Communication Gaps: Effective communication is key to understanding and addressing health concerns. Women (especially those who are athletic) find it frustrating when their healthcare providers do not take the time to listen or explain things thoroughly. 

  5. Limited Access to Female Practitioners: For some women, having a female healthcare provider who might better understand their experiences and challenges is important, but finding such providers can be difficult in some areas.

  6. Insufficient Time in Appointments: Short appointment times can make it difficult to address all concerns, especially when dealing with complex issues that require a more holistic approach.

  7. Lack of a Holistic Approach: In some cases, healthcare providers may not consider the interconnectedness of physical, hormonal, and mental health, which is crucial for managing overall well-being in active women over forty who run. 

"Are You A Runner Or Do You Work With A Lot Of Runners?"

Ever feel like asking this question when you see a doctor/medical professional and you are trying to explain something to them?

Unfortunately, many practitioners may not have specific training or experience working with runners or the unique needs of seasoned female athletes. This can lead to generalized advice that may not be effective, and more frustration for the runner. 


Running after forty requires a balance of nutrition, recovery, strength training, mobility, and mental health (to name just a few). Finding providers who can offer a holistic approach that includes these elements can be challenging.

In some cases, healthcare providers may not consider the interconnectedness of physical, hormonal, and mental health, which is crucial for managing overall well-being in female runners over forty.

Finally, many providers fail to get to the "root cause" of the problem and just treat the pain with passive modalities or medication.

Often times, the pain is not where the problem is, and the ongoing issue is not properly addressed. This leaves the runner more frustrated, diminishes their spirit, and keeps them from doing what they love. 




Running has often been referred to as "therapy" as a way of handing the day to day stresses.

Now, runners over forty have to navigate changes in their bodies, which can often lead to changes in their running, and the maintenance that goes along with it.

While we are starting to see more studies on women and information for masters runners, there are MANY different resources. 

This can be overwhelming and sometimes dangerous if the information is based upon marketing tactics or is non-scientific. 

I'm Nicole - a 50 year old Masters Runner and Coach, Performance Physical Therapist, and Menopausal. I GET you, because I AM you. 




A Dedicated Platform for Women to be Seen, Heard, and Valued as they Should.

Your Holistic Solution for Thriving as a Female Masters Runner


Learn and perform the fundamental skills necessary for Masters Running. Mobility is the key for longevity and performance - expertise available on demand. 



In-person consults in Boulder, CO and virtual consultations and coaching from anywhere. Work with me for faster results.



Not sure what to do in addition to running but don't want to come up with a routine?  Join our community, find your people, and your MAX POTENTIAL


The JSR Business Philosophy?

C.A.R.E. about runners: 

CURIOSITY - each runner is different - ask questions and use "tell me more"

AUTHENTICITY - show empathy, compassion and be an advocate for runners 

RELATABILITY - from beginners to the ultramarathoners, we are ALL runners 

EMPOWERMENT - support, encourage and let every woman know that she matters



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